Monday, April 8

Update on Commissioner Kreidler

As you might recall from a post last week, Commissioner Kreidler is recovering from planned heart surgery on April 2. His doctors had been monitoring his health status over the past several months, leading to the scheduled bypass and valve-replacement surgery.

He's doing very well. After three days of recovery at Providence St. Peter Hospital, he returned to his home in Olympia on Friday. Like most people who have major surgery, he's happy to be home with his family, and pleased that things went so well.

He's been checking in regularly via phone and email, and appreciates the cards, emails and Twitter messages of support. He wanted to be sure that we posted an update here to let folks know how he's doing.

During his recovery, the commissioner's duties are being handled by Acting Chief Deputy Deb McCurley, who's been with the agency since 2006.