Monday, April 15

Do I have to buy personal injury protection (PIP) coverage?

We get this question all the time. The short answer, at least here in Washington state, is no. But agents and insurance companies are required to offer Personal Injury Protection coverage, and when you get a quote, it will include PIP coverage.

If you don't want PIP coverage, you'll need to sign a waiver to eliminate the coverage from your policy. If you don't, then the insurer must issue your policy with the coverage, and you will be charged for it. (If you get a policy with this coverage and don't want it, you can still get it removed if you sign that waiver.)

The same is true, incidentally, for uninsured motorist coverage, which goes by the acronym UIM. It's included when you get a quote, and if you don't want it, you'll need to sign a waiver to eliminate the coverage from your policy. Otherwise, you'll get the coverage and be charged for it.