Wednesday, April 17

Got an insurance question or problem? We'll try our best to help. (And we won't try to sell you anything.)

Got an insurance question or problem? Call or email our consumer hotline staff at 1-800-562-6900 or

We're the state agency that regulates the insurance industry in Washington state.

Our analysts help Washingtonians get millions of dollars in denied or delayed insurance claims each year. They help people get insurance reinstated when it's wrongly canceled, and they can show you how to appeal if your health insurer denies a treatment.

We can tell you what your rights are, help you file a complaint, and would be happy to contact your insurance company on your behalf to find out more. If you don't have health insurance -- or can't afford the insurance you have -- we may be able to find options that are a better fit for you. We can give you some tips on how to push for the maximum value for your totaled car.

And on and on. Just email us or call.

What if you don't live in Washington? Most state insurance departments offer similar help. Here's a handy map, courtesy of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, showing how to contact your local department.