Wednesday, February 20

Job openings: Market analyst and financial analyst

We have three job openings, both in our main office in Tumwater, Wash.

One is for a financial analyst. Duties include examining and analyzing insurance company financial filings and data to discern their financial condition, difficulties, trends and compliance with laws and rules.

Required qualifications include a bachelor's degree with major study in finance, business administration, economics or accounting; a CPA license or Accredited Financial Examiner credential, and three years of professional experience in accounting or auditing.

For a full list of duties, qualifications, and application information, please see the full job listing.

The other job openings -- two of them -- are for market analysts. These people -- this won't be surprising -- conduct market analysis and participate in data surveys, using data from various sources, including other states' insurance departments. They also review company information on Facebook, Twitter, carrier websites, agent sites and blogs.

The market analyst jobs require a bachelor's degree in business administration or a related field, although work experience may also be submitted. They also require two years of experience in life, helath or property and casualty insurance company operations. For details, application info, etc., please see that full job listing.

Thanks for your interest!