Wednesday, February 20

Insurance tips: "My PIP claim is months late. What's going on?"

Q: My auto insurance was supposed to pay for medical expenses under my Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage, but my insurer didn't pay all the bills. They waited for two months before making a decision. What's going on?"

Our consumer advocacy hotline gets questions like this fairly frequently. Insurers should be reviewing the bills as they are received. As a general rule, we would expect that an insurer would review the bills and make a coverage decision within 30 days of getting them. If there are delays, we'd expect the insurer to be able to explain why.

If you're having problems getting your insurance -- health, auto, homeowners, etc. -- to pay a claim, feel free to contact us. We accept complaints online 24/7, and have a toll-free consumer hotline (1-800-562-6900) staffed by experts.