Thursday, September 27

Golf insurer in CT arrested for selling illegal insurance in WA

A Connecticut businessman who specializes in insurance for golf tournament hole-in-one prizes has been arrested in his home state after failing to appear for a felony arraignment in Seattle earlier this month.

Kevin Kolenda, 54, was arrested Wednesday in his hometown of Norwalk, Conn. He faces five counts of transacting insurance without a license, a class B felony.

"We've been warning the public about Mr. Kolenda's scam for years," Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler said in a recent press release. "He has a long history of selling illegal insurance, refusing to pay prize winners, and thumbing his nose at regulators."

Kolenda was supposed to appear in court Sept. 5 for arraignment on those charges, but he failed to appear. So the judge issued a bench warrant for his arrest.

Kolenda has ignored a previous cease and desist order from our office, as well as a $125,000 fine.

Update (9/28/2012): Added King5 video at top of post.

Why did you make my auto/homeowners insurance rates go up?

Q: My auto and homeowners insurance rates went up, and my agent and insurer said that it's because Washington state required them to charge more. Did you require this?

A: We get this question fairly often. While we do review rates for many kinds of insurance, no, we did not tell your auto/homeowners/etc. insurer to raise its rates. It's up to insurers to decide when, or if, they will submit proposals to us to increase or decrease rates. (In some cases, notably health coverage, insurers often reduce benefits in order to moderate rates hikes.)

Again: While we may review the rates, the insurance company is the one proposing any changes.

There are many insurers selling auto and homeowners policies in Washington. If your insurer is raising rates too high, maybe it's time to shop around. Need help? Here are some tips when shopping for auto coverage, and here are some tips when shopping for homeowners coverage.

Tuesday, September 25

Open enrollment for children ends Oct. 31

Do you need health insurance for your child? Open enrollment for individual health insurance for children is now underway. From Sept. 15-Oct. 31 you can buy an individual plan for your child or add them to your plan with out having to fill out a health questionnaire.

Under health reform, health plans can no longer deny children coverage if they have a pre-existing medical condition, but they can create open enrollment periods. Washington state has two annual enrollment periods: March 15-April 30 and Sept. 15-Oct. 31.

If you need coverage now, don't wait. You have until the end of Oct., but the sooner you enroll, the faster you'll get coverage.

The next open enrollment starts March 15. Here's a list of plans in the individual market by county and what to do if you miss the enrollment period.

Life insurance explainer: What are life settlements?

Life settlements are when you sell your life insurance policy to someone else. You get immediate cash, and they collect the value of the policy when you die.

There's a similar type of transaction, known as a viatical settlement, in which a terminally ill person sells his or her life insurance to someone else.

Both these types of transactions are mentioned as options in a notice that life insurers are required to send to some Washington policyholders.

According to a New York Times article published last month, the fast-growing life settlements business swelled to $12 billion in transactions by 2007, but has dropped off dramatically, with only $3.8 billion worth of policies changing hands in 2010. Life settlements brokers maintain, however, that with trillions of dollars in life insurance out there, the industry is still in its infancy.

Monday, September 24

Household Insurance Claims - Alternative Accommodation

Both buildings and contents policies will provide a separate limit of cover up to a percentage of your sum insured for alternative accommodation costs when you have a valid claim. There is normally a higher amount of cover under buildings cover as the sum insured is normally higher than for contents.

For example, if your buildings are insured for £200,000 and you have a 20% allowance within this policy for accommodation, Insurers will pay up to a maximum of £40,000 per claim for any related costs. In order for this cover to be valid however, it is a requirement that you:

    Have suffered a valid insured incident (e.g: fire) that is covered by the policy
    The property is uninhabitable for normal living purposes

Uninhabitable = 'unable to be lived in'

Each different Insurer will have its own version of what uninhabitable is however, they are broadly the same and likely to include:

    Loss of water supply to the property
    Loss of all sanitary facilities (washing facilities / toilets etc)
    Loss of heating during winter
    Substantial structural damage (i.e: walls / roof etc) caused by a major fire, flood, impact etc
    If anyone living at the property has a medical condition that is affected by the damage or repairs being undertaken (this may have to be proven however)
    Loss of cooking facilities - however, it will normally be considered if it is possible to install temporary cooking facilities or pay an allowance for alternative eating arrangements before Insurers will consider paying for accommodation in this scenario

If none of the above apply however, you have a medical condition that will be affected by the damage (e.g: damp) or the related restoration / repairs (drying, strip out works, dust etc), if you can provide medical evidence such as a doctors certificate confirming the medical condition and that staying at the property will have a negative impact on your health, Insurers are likely to allow this as a valid reason for them to pay for alternative accommodation costs.


If the alternative accommodation claim is valid, the policy will provide cover for similar accommodation, up to the financial limit detailed within the policy.

When deciding on the best accommodation settlement option, Insurers will take into consideration a number of factors, the main one being how long the accommodation is required which will have a bearing on the most suitable type of accommodation.

Types of accommodation that can be considered:

B&B or Hotel

When the period of accommodation required is small - days to a few weeks (the cost of a hotel per room can easily be in excess of £3,000 per month per double room).

Private rental or serviced apartment

This is more suitable when repairs are going to be in excess of 3 months as it will usually be more cost effective (even if a minimum 6 months lease is required) and also provides more suitable living arrangements with cooking facilities and more living space.

Staying with friends / family

If this is an option, Insurers will provide you with a cash allowance (this will normally be less than a rental cost).


This is not a common method, however, is a suitable possibility if accommodation required to be for an extended period of time and you wish to remain onsite or if there is no suitable accommodation in the area (this can occur when large geographical areas are damaged such as during floods).

Cash Settlement

This can be a cash allowance made to you instead of taking a rental or hotel and gives you the freedom to take a holiday or live at the property despite it being considered habitable


If you have a valid alternative accommodation claim, Insurers are liable for payment of reasonable costs for the accommodation. In addition to this, there are a number of others things that you may be able to claim if you can demonstrate that you have suffered financial loss relating to the claim. These items can easily be included within the claim (as long as your policy does not specifically have an exclusion for it - refer to your alternative accommodation policy wording):-

    Additional food expenditure (this frequently occurs when staying at a B&B or Hotel where you have no cooking facilities). Note that you should not include for your normal weekly food expenditure - additional costs only

    Mail redirection to the temporary address

    Additional travel expenses (if you have had no option but to live further away than your normal location resulting in increased commuting / travelling costs)

    Telephone redirection (this becoming less of a requirement due to mobile phones however, if you need a landline for internet etc and the property you are moving into does not have one, you may be able to negotiate this)

    Rehousing of your pets (if they cannot stay in your alternative accommodation)

    Cost of removal / storage if you are having to move into an alternative property and require large amounts of your furnishings / belongings to be moved or if you need to clear this property from your own home to facilitate repairs

    Laundry costs if you are staying in a B&B or hotel

Other considerations:

If you have both buildings and contents insured with different Insurers and you have sustained both buildings and contents damage, each Insurer is liable for contributing to the costs. You can however try to get one insurer to deal and they will then sort the sharing of costs in the background.

You can source your own accommodation or many Insurers now have an accommodation supplier who they can appoint to organise for you - this can save you a lot of hassle and time having to search and obtain estimates which especially useful if you need the accommodation on an emergency basis.

If you have the option to stay with friends and family, consider this option before opting for a hotel or rental and establish what Insurers are prepared to pay you as you may find this offer much more financially appealing and suitable for your own circumstances

On occasion, insurers/adjusters can utilise preferred accommodation suppliers who for a fee, locate hotel/leased dwellings. Alternatively, the Policyholder can make enquiries with local estate agents and submit proposals which can be authorised if deemed reasonable. When we receive the information, a review is completed to establish if this appears to be a consistent rental for area and is like for like in line with Insured's own property.

If you have to move out of your own property, you may be entitled to freeze your council tax as this is not payable when the property is unoccupied - make enquiries with this as soon as possible to ensure that you are not paying additional costs for this when you are entitled to cancel it. When you move back home, you must reinstate your council tax

When the property has been made habitable again, Insurers will expect that you move back home and will cease paying for any accommodation related costs. Therefore, if you want to make some home improvements during the repairs, you may find that Insurers are reluctant to extend your accommodation as this is not covered by your policy and you would be responsible for such costs.

If you are obtaining a rental property, it will be likely that there will be a refundable deposit payable which is commonly the equivalent of a months' rent in advance. Strictly speaking, you are responsible for paying this as it is you who is responsible for looking after the property during your stay. It is however more common for Insurers to pay this if you advise them that you have not got the financial means to pay this deposit - the Insurer has a duty to treat you fairly and will likely agree to pay for it (when returned from the landlord however, the proceeds must go back to the insurance company)

When making a successful household insurance claim, knowledge is power. Visit our free household claims resource for lots of hints and tips and free access to our insurance discussion forum

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Understanding the Effectiveness of Takeaway Insurance Policy

Takeaway insurance is a special insurance policy tailored to protect the takeaway businesses from unanticipated financial risks. This policy applies to all classes of takeaways such as, fish and chip shops, kebab shops, Indian & Chinese takeaways, sandwich bars, pizza parlours, and other food establishments.

It is a comprehensive policy that takes into account the business specific risks (like damage caused from fire accidents, gas explosion, etc.,) as well as generalized risks (employers'/product/public liability). This policy ensures that the business is protected against all the possible risks and runs smoothly without any interruption.

As a takeaway owner, you need to consider this insurance to protect your business, your customers and your employees.

• Liability claims: Public, product and employers liability
Takeaway insurance provides protection against all the liability claims that a takeaway business can face. It covers the compensation amount and the costs of litigations from these claims.

As takeaways involve movement of general public/customers in their premises, it is better advised to have public liability insurance. This coverage comes handy in instances where, the third parties get injured or their property gets damaged because of the negligence of your staff or an unfortunate accident (like, a customer gets injured by the broken pieces of glass, which your staff member has forgot to clean).

Takeaways are at more risk of facing product liability claims. Product liability insurance is designed to cover and protect your business against claims made by a customer, when he/she purchases a product from your takeaway that causes him any harm - due to spoilt frozen food, poor food quality, transit of food in unsanitary conditions that leads to food poisoning.

Employers' liability insurance protects your business against claims made by employees for the injury or death caused to them in the course of employment. In takeaway business, employees are exposed to many catering tools like, knives or deep fat fryers, etc., which may accidentally injure the employee in course of work. Hence, it is suggested to have this insurance.

• Damages to building, equipment, and other contents
You should insure your building, kitchen equipment, stock, fixtures and fittings, and other contents against events like natural disasters such as flood, hurricanes, earth quakes, etc., as well as man-made accidents such as, fire accidents, explosion of gas, burglary, vandalism, etc. This policy will provide coverage for the business against losses from the above.

• Business interruption
All the above mentioned natural disasters or man-made accidents can result in huge financial loss to your businesses as they interrupt the business operations. Apart from the repair or restoration costs, your business also suffers from loss of income till the time the business regains its original form. Takeaway insurance also offers financial help for the lost income.

Having considered the benefits of takeaway insurance policy, you cannot afford to ignore it. Consider taking advice from reputed and professional insurance brokerage while purchasing the policy. These firms analyse your business specific risks and suggest you the right policy for your takeaway business, so that you are neither under-insured nor over-insured.

Keystone Insurance Group is Ireland's premier supplier of public liability insurance and business insurance solutions to Irish industry. Our experienced and professional team quickly arranges quotes for all classes of business insurance.

Article Source:

Health insurers rebates

Q: I've read in the news that health insurers are having to send rebates to their customers because of health care reform. But I didn't get a rebate? What's going on?

A: Yes, we've heard from a number of folks that are wondering whether they're going to get a rebate. The rebates are from companies that aren't putting enough premium dollars toward actual medical care (as opposed to marketing, administrative costs, etc.).

Here in Washington, however, most companies are already spending a high percentage of your premium dollars on medical care. That's the good news. But that also means that few Washingtonians will get rebates. Here's more about the rebates and a state-by-state breakdown.

Sunday, September 23

5 Of the Most Common Mistakes People Make When Buying Auto Insurance

What do you want from your car insurance? That it fully protects you and your vehicle? Sure. That it's cheap? Most definitely. So you want to make sure that you're adequately covered while saving as much money as possible. Not a problem. But try to avoid these mistakes people commonly make while buying auto insurance.

Not shopping around

This is one of the most common mistakes people buying auto insurance make; failing to shop around. In most cases you'll find people are loyal to the insurance provider they've had in their families for years and don't really feel the need to look elsewhere for better rates. While there's nothing wrong with loyalty, insurance companies might change their policies over the years. They could offer discounted rates, money-saving packages offers and schemes that could really make buying insurance a lot more affordable.

Today, in fact, getting an auto insurance estimate has gotten much easier. Most carriers have auto calculators on their websites which give you instant quotes so you don't have to worry about individually visiting the company office to find out rates. Our advice to you would be to get at least 2 or 3 quotes from carriers, compare the rates, read customer reviews to find out about the service and THEN decide on one which suits your needs best.

Getting the cheapest coverage

Sure, you want to save money. But why compromise on the safety to do so? People forget that car repairs, medical expenses, towing and labor can all cost you a pretty penny. Even though you might have to pay a little extra, having adequate coverage can pay for such damages without you having to worry.

Not inquiring about potential discounts

Discounts are what save you precious dollars when it comes to auto insurance. Most people are unaware of the discounts they're eligible for and so lose out on a chance to save some money. When shopping around for insurance, find out about the various discounts that the insurance company provides. Some of the discounts you could get are for having multiple policies through the same carrier, installing anti-theft devices on your car, being a good student, enrolling in defensive driving classes, putting in low-mileage on your car and more.

Not informing your insurance provider about major life changes

The importance of having your policy be current cannot be stressed enough. Your auto insurance changes along with various life changes such as: getting married, getting divorced, moving house, retiring etc. It is important to inform your insurance provider of any such changes in your life as soon as they occur.

Failure of paying your premiums on time

People tend to get careless about paying their automobile insurance premiums on time. Forgetting to pay your insurance premium could cause it to increase the next year. In some cases, failure to pay your premium on time could also lead to a policy lapse, which means there's a chance you might not be covered during this time.

You might be new to the whole automobile insurance process, but if you avoid the above mentioned mistakes, you could save yourself from making some costly mistakes!

Bethany Collins is a mother of two who works from home and lives with her husband. She is voracious reader and always looks out for happening topics related to personal finance. She specializes on subjects related to car insurance and uses her spare time to write on topics related to classic auto insurance and full coverage auto insurance etc.

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What You Need to Know About Builders Risk Insurance

A builders risk insurance is a very important cover for anyone who is constructing a new building, renovating a home or a commercial project. It is an essential cover that helps you to manage losses in the event of an accident. The cover is beneficial to both the contractor and property owner. The cover is more beneficial than a regular commercial or residential cover based on a number of factors. Therefore, when planning to build a home or a residential property, it is vital for you to get the best cover from a reliable insurance company. A builders risk insurance cover works in an amazing way. As a property owner, you can purchase this type of cover. However, if you are interested in a big project, your construction company can buy the cover. The good thing is that the person who purchases the policy is covered in the agreement. This is custom made to ensure that there will be no dispute on the person who is to provide coverage for a specific project. More importantly, the cover is designed to provide protection to the structure from the beginning of a project to the end. It is good to note that during construction, faults, damages and losses can occur. This means damage to a structure and even injuries to a contractor. Vandalism can also occur hence, the need for contractors insurance. Many companies today offer a contractor insurance and it gives you a wide selection from which, to choose the most ideal company for your cover. An insurance cover will help you to deal with possible damages, losses and destructions in a less stressful way. You will be covered from potential losses. Therefore, it enables you to save on cash and time. It will be easy to work on a construction or renovation project smoothly. The cover is also beneficial in the sense that it covers for losses that may occur due to negligence. Many covers do not offer compensation for losses that occur due to a contractor's or third parties negligence. With a builders risk insurance, you can file for a claim and fix the problem as soon as it covers. Additionally, the cover allows a property owner for rider coverage on an existing insurance. This is common in cases where a building is constructed as an addition to an existing property. The cover will be used as an additional policy and helps you to deal with any possible risks and losses. It is typically a good idea for you to get a builders risk insurance cover before you undertake any construction project. It offers you peace of mind and protects you against any possible financial risks. Whats more, it enhances smooth operations and saves on time. However, with a vast number of insurance companies in the market today, it is important that you make wise and informed decisions when choosing your cover. Get a cover from a well reputed, experienced, reliable and honest company. Ensure you are comfortable with the company and settle for a policy that serves your personal needs best. If you need more details about builders risk insurance and want to learn about it's benefits, head over to now. Article Source:

Preventing Construction Site Accidents

The dangerous working conditions are responsible for high numbers of construction site injuries and deaths. According to the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) of Ireland, construction sector reported 454 workplace injuries in the year 2011. Though the rate of construction site injuries and fatalities is decreasing since 2009, the numbers are still significant, which are in turn affecting the employers (contractors/builders) in the form of hefty compensation claims. This situation strongly indicates the need for implementation of preventive measures at every construction site to avoid injuries and fatalities. In this article, we will discuss about few tips to prevent construction site accidents.

Maintain site as safe as possible
Slips, trips and falls are the major causes of construction site injuries. As the workers in the construction sites are more vulnerable to such incidents, your primary duty as a contractor/builder is to make sure that the site is safe.

• Avoiding slips and trips: Small things like uneven surfaces, wet or slippery floors, building materials or waste, trailing cables, changes in surface levels at doorways, ramps, etc. can cause slips and trips.

If you can identify the risk prone areas and implement preventive measures like using mechanical lifting aids, minimizing building materials on-site, providing separate containers to throw waste, using cordless equipment, using signposts to warn workers about wet floors and change in surface levels, etc., you can effectively reduce slips and trips.

• Preventing falls: Falls from heights are the biggest cause of fatal or serious construction site injuries. These incidents also give rise to huge compensation claims. Few preventive measures such as, proper planning and organizing of work, using right equipment, using strong scaffolding, securing the place or platform with proper edge protection, etc., can reduce the number of falls. Workers should wear safety belts while carrying out construction activities at a height of 2 meters and above. You should arrange nets or soft landing surfaces to limit the impact of possible fall.

Carefully execute structural demolition and alteration activities
Demolition and dismantling of structures for alteration purposes or for constructing new structures also poses significant amount of risks. Injuries due to accidental collapse of structures, exposure to hazardous material, noise and vibration, fire, etc. may be apparent during such activities.

In order to avoid such incidents, site managers should supervise the site and identify the risk factors. They need to make sure that all the connected services are isolated and hazardous materials like inflammable liquids, acids, microbiological hazards are cleared from the site before demolition.

Ensure electrical and fire safety
Activities near the overhead power lines, damage to the underground electric cables, improper maintenance and use of electrical equipment, etc., can significantly increase the risk of electricity-related accidents.

While your workers are working near the overhead power lines, make sure that they don't go too close to the power lines. Divert the lines from the work area or make the lines dead while working. Underground cables must be located and clearly marked so as to follow safe digging practices. Workers should be trained on handling and using the electrical equipment safely.

Similarly, fire safety measures should be taken to avoid fire hazards. Workers should be informed about various methods of fire fighting, escaping from fire and ways to communicate fire warning signs.

Protect public
Besides workers safety, construction sites should also consider public safety, as builders/contractors are responsible for any injury or damage to a third party near the construction site. The primary step is to identify the hazards at the site, design safety features and implement them without fail. Using appropriate sign boards to warn the public about the hazards, barricades to prevent public from entering the work area, are few steps which can help protect the public. You can also prevent them from entering the site by restricting unauthorized access to the site.

Construction insurance helps mitigate the financial risks
Despite your best efforts to make the site a safe working place, accidents, injuries, and fatalities to employees or third party members are always a part of construction industry. So, it is sensible to protect your construction company using an effective insurance policy which offers cover against all the associated risks that can lead to liability. Choose a reputed insurance brokerage that helps you tailor the policy according to your needs.

Keystone Insurance Group is Ireland's premier supplier of public liability insurance and business insurance solutions to Irish industry. Our experienced and professional team quickly arranges quotes for all classes of business insurance.

Article Source:

Friday, September 21

Consumer alert: Real Benefits Association

Consumer alert

An unlicensed company named "Real Benefits Association" may be offering bogus discount health care plans in Washington state.

Again: This company is not licensed to do business in Washington state.

We've heard from consumers who said they paid monthly premiums to the Real Benefits Association, believing that they would receive legitimate medical and prescription drug coverage, but to date, the company has paid none of the health care claims they submitted.

Real Benefits Association and its owner, David Clark, were issued a cease and desist order by our office in January 2010. They are operating in violation of that order by collecting premiums for bogus discount health care coverage from Washington state consumers.

Friday wildfire update: We're hearing that some insurers have stopped writing new policies in the fire areas

The AP is reporting that wildfires in central Washington have merged and now cover more than 47 square miles, with officials urging more than 100 homeowners north of Ellensburg and in the Liberty area to evacuate. Here is a checklist of things to do if a wildfire is approaching a home.

Crews are digging lines, using bulldozers and trying to douse the flames and protect structures with fire retardant dropped from aircraft. Here are maps showing the areas that are burning. The fire began Sept. 8th with a lightning strike near Cle Elum. 775 firefighters are on scene, but fire commanders this morning ranked both the terrain difficulty and growth potential of the blaze as "extreme."

We have heard a few reports from consumers that some homeowners' insurance companies have stopped approving new policies in areas close to the fires. Nobody wants to hear this if they're trying to close a deal on a home, for example, but insurers are allowed to suspend writing new policies in cases like this.

It's a common practice, for example, with earthquake insurers to stop writing policies after a quake, for fear of aftershocks. And flood insurance typically comes with a 30 day waiting period, to prevent people from waiting until the storm clouds are overhead before they buy coverage.

Several other fires are burning in the state. Most of the state is now at high or very high fire danger.

U.S. 97 in both directions is closing today from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. from milepost 150 (at the junction of SR 970) to milepost 177 (8 miles south of the junction of U.S. 2) for back-burning and fire containment operations.

Update: (5:02 p.m.) Some insurers have also stopped writing new auto policies in certain Eastern Washington zip codes due to the fires.

Monday, September 17

Monday wildfire update

Firefighters are making good gains against eastern Washington wilfires, with the list down to five active blazes in Chelan, Yakima, Kittitas, Okanogan, Klickitat counties.

Here's the morning update from Washington Emergency Management Division.

Friday, September 14

Washington wildfire update

Firefighters are making big gains containing the state's eight major fires, according to the latest update from the Washington Emergency Management Division.

The 91,000-acre Barker Canyon fire in Douglas and Grant counties is 63 percent contained, and the 23,000-acre Apache Pass fire in Lincoln County is 80 percent contained.

Seven aircraft and more than 1,100 firefighters are still wrestling, however, with the large Wenatchee River fire in Chelan County, which is only 10 percent contained. It covers more than 28,000 acres. More than 850 homes and other structures are threatened by that blaze, according to the update.

So far, the number of homes lost in this latest wave of wildfires is just 3, although about 14 non-residential structures have also burned.

See the report above for more detail.

Thursday, September 13

Washington state fire update

According to the state's Emergency Management Division, early 3,000 firefighters and more than a dozen aircraft are battling seven fires -- several of which involve multiple large individual blazes -- on more than 150,000 acres throughout the eastern part of the state.

The largest is the Barker Canyon fire in Douglas and Grant counties, which includes more than 91,000 acres and this morning was only 20 percent contained.

Then there's the 25,000-acre Wenatchee River fire in Chelan County, which is only 8 percent contained. And then there's Lincoln County's 24,500-acre Apache Pass fire, which is about 40 percent contained. Smaller fires are burning in Yakima, Kittitas, Ferry, Okanogan and Klickitat counties.

So far, only a few homes appear to have been lost to fire, although some other structures (barns, etc.) have also burned. About 600 homes are considered threatened by fire at this point. We have a number of important tips for fire victims making insurance claims.

More details on each fire, including evacuation information, is available in this document prepared by the EMD. And for the latest information, see the agency's list of fire updates.

And for anyone in fire-prone areas, please see these tips to protect your belongings and property.

Wednesday, September 12

New report: More than 740,000 homes nationwide at high or very high risk of wildfire

A private research firm, Corelogic, has produced a report estimating wildfire risk in 13 western states, including Washington.

The upshot: More than 740,000 homes are ranked as high risk or very high risk for wildfire damage. All told, those homes represent $136 billion in total property value, according to Corelogic. The states with the highest number of properties at risk at California, Colorado and Texas.

Here in Washington state, the company estimates, there are more than 9,000 homes at high or very high risk, with a combined value of $1.3 billion. The study also takes a closer look at several high-value metropolitan areas with high fire risk, including Los Angeles, San Diego, and Boulder.

The report is free, although you have to register to read or download it.

It comes on the heels of a July statement by specialized insurer Lloyd's, which predicted "more frequent and severe wildfires as a result of climate change." Lloyd's warned that traditional risk assessment and pricing by insurers could understate the actual fire (and financial) risk.

"I own a business, but don't offer health coverage. Will I be penalized in 2014?"

Starting in 2014, under federal health care reform, some employers who fail to offer affordable health coverage to their employees will have to pay penalties of $2,000 to $3,000 per employee.

Small businesses won't be affected. Under the law, if an employer has fewer than 50 employees, the penalties do not apply. (If you have 25 or fewer workers and average wages up to $50,000, your company may be eligible for a health insurance tax credit to help offer coverage to your workers.)

If you're a medium- or large employer, though, you could be hit with the penalty unless you offer employees affordable coverage.

So what's affordable? The Kaiser Family Foundation has built this simple flowchart to determine what qualifies as affordable health coverage and what doesn't. It also explains which penalties apply in each case.

Friday, September 7

Good news: We're back online

We've got our website back online. Thanks for your patience.

Our website's down; we're working to fix it

Our agency website ( is currently down, due to a major network problem affecting multiple state agencies.

Even if you can access the site, you won't be able conduct transactions or do use our other online applications.

We and others are working hard to resolve the problem.

Who will have to pay a penalty for not having health coverage?

If federal health care reform takes effect as planned in 2014, some people will pay a penalty of $95 if they do not have health coverage. (This is what's known as the individual mandate.)

And the penalties would get bigger. In 2015, it would be $325. In 2016 and beyond, it would be $695.

But will you have to pay?

For most people, the answer's no. There are a number of exemptions. There's a religious exemption, for example. Members of Indian tribes are exempt. Very poor individuals and families -- such as a family living on less than $18,700 a year) are exempt. So are those that have to pay more than 8 percent of their income  for health insurance.

Also, most people already have coverage that already satisfies the requirement. If you're on Medicare, for example, there's no penalty. If you're on TRICARE (the health plan for members of the military, retirees and their families), there's no penalty. If you get coverage through the VA, through your employer, Medicaid, or the Children's Health Program, there's no penalty.

The Kaiser Family Foundation offers an excellent, simple flowchart that lays this out in more detail. It includes estimates on the cost of insurance through the new health care exchanges, and a link to a KFF online calculator to help figure out premiums and tax credits to help you buy coverage.

Tuesday, September 4

My neighbor damaged my back yard, but won't file an insurance claim. What can I do?

Q: My neighbor damaged my back yard as the result of one of his do-it-yourself projects. Now he won't turn in a claim to his insurer. And he won't tell me who his insurer is. What can I do?

A: We get variations on this question a lot. Common ones involve a neighbor driving over a mailbox or into a fence. And we periodically get calls from people wondering if we have a database listing who insures who. (We don't.)

First, try to deal directly with your neighbor to get him to pay for the damage. If he's worried that the claim will drive up his premiums (or lead to his policy being cancelled), he may still be willing to compensate you for the sake of the relationship and to stave off the possibility of your taking him to court.

If that doesn't work, you can contact your agent or insurer to see if the damage is covered on your own policy. Or you could decide to take legal action against the neighbor, either in small claims or a higher court.