Sunday, September 23

5 Of the Most Common Mistakes People Make When Buying Auto Insurance

What do you want from your car insurance? That it fully protects you and your vehicle? Sure. That it's cheap? Most definitely. So you want to make sure that you're adequately covered while saving as much money as possible. Not a problem. But try to avoid these mistakes people commonly make while buying auto insurance.

Not shopping around

This is one of the most common mistakes people buying auto insurance make; failing to shop around. In most cases you'll find people are loyal to the insurance provider they've had in their families for years and don't really feel the need to look elsewhere for better rates. While there's nothing wrong with loyalty, insurance companies might change their policies over the years. They could offer discounted rates, money-saving packages offers and schemes that could really make buying insurance a lot more affordable.

Today, in fact, getting an auto insurance estimate has gotten much easier. Most carriers have auto calculators on their websites which give you instant quotes so you don't have to worry about individually visiting the company office to find out rates. Our advice to you would be to get at least 2 or 3 quotes from carriers, compare the rates, read customer reviews to find out about the service and THEN decide on one which suits your needs best.

Getting the cheapest coverage

Sure, you want to save money. But why compromise on the safety to do so? People forget that car repairs, medical expenses, towing and labor can all cost you a pretty penny. Even though you might have to pay a little extra, having adequate coverage can pay for such damages without you having to worry.

Not inquiring about potential discounts

Discounts are what save you precious dollars when it comes to auto insurance. Most people are unaware of the discounts they're eligible for and so lose out on a chance to save some money. When shopping around for insurance, find out about the various discounts that the insurance company provides. Some of the discounts you could get are for having multiple policies through the same carrier, installing anti-theft devices on your car, being a good student, enrolling in defensive driving classes, putting in low-mileage on your car and more.

Not informing your insurance provider about major life changes

The importance of having your policy be current cannot be stressed enough. Your auto insurance changes along with various life changes such as: getting married, getting divorced, moving house, retiring etc. It is important to inform your insurance provider of any such changes in your life as soon as they occur.

Failure of paying your premiums on time

People tend to get careless about paying their automobile insurance premiums on time. Forgetting to pay your insurance premium could cause it to increase the next year. In some cases, failure to pay your premium on time could also lead to a policy lapse, which means there's a chance you might not be covered during this time.

You might be new to the whole automobile insurance process, but if you avoid the above mentioned mistakes, you could save yourself from making some costly mistakes!

Bethany Collins is a mother of two who works from home and lives with her husband. She is voracious reader and always looks out for happening topics related to personal finance. She specializes on subjects related to car insurance and uses her spare time to write on topics related to classic auto insurance and full coverage auto insurance etc.

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