Wednesday, March 21

Health care reform: Two years later, what's changed?

From a press release we put out this morning:

The Affordable Care Act’s most controversial component – the mandate requiring everyone to have health insurance – is still two years away. But two years after the law’s enactment, many Washington consumers are quietly benefitting from many of the laws lesser-noticed provisions.

“The Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate gets most of the attention, but it shouldn’t overshadow the success stories of the early reforms,” said Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler. “By far the most popular benefit of health reform that we hear about is the ability for parents to keep their adult kids on their health plans – especially in today’s economy – and there are many more.”

Among the changes that have already taken effect here in Washington state:

■More than 2.4 million Washingtonians no longer face lifetime limits on their health benefits.

■More than 52,000 young adults up to age 26 have been able to stay on their parents’ health plans.

■More than 1.2 million Washingtonians now have coverage for preventive care with no co-pays or deductibles.

For much more information about what's changed and is changing, click on the link above.