Tuesday, May 7

Job opening: Senior market analyst

We're recruiting for a senior market analyst position at our Tumwater, Wash. office.

This position is responsible for conducting market analysis of regulated entities under the direction of the Chief Market Analyst. This position protects consumer's interests and promotes a healthy business environment in this state by providing regulatory oversight of market interactions between consumers and insurance carriers.

For more specifics, duties, salary, timeline, etc., please see the full job listing.

Wednesday, May 1

May 9 hearing set to consider Washington Dental Service reorganization and merger plan

Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler has scheduled a hearing for 10 a.m. on May 9, 2013, in Olympia to consider whether he should approve or deny the request for the merger of Washington-based Washington Dental Services (WDS).

WDS has filed an application for its plan of reorganization and merger transaction that includes a proposed reverse merger of Washington Dental Service with and into a DD of Washington subsidiary to become a subsidiary of an existing holding company.

Here's a summary of the proposal, including background, history, and a brief explanation of the hearings process and what we look at. If the proposal is approved, WDS would become a subsidiary under a new holding company system. WDS would later change its corporate name to Delta Dental of Washington.

To view filed documents and information about the hearing process, go to Washington Dental Service #13-0115. (Scroll down a bit after clicking on that link.) Those documents include the notice of hearing, the reorganization plan, board resolutions, organizational charts, and other requests for transactions filed in this proceeding.

The hearing is open to the public. Any interested parties may submit letters of support or concerns or objections and/or may participate in the hearing by appearing in person or by telephone at no charge. For street address or directions on dialing in by phone (as well as more background on the proposal), please see the hearing order.

Tuesday, April 30

See if you'll save money on health insurance next year

Curious about what will happen to your health insurance rates after health reform? Our state Health Benefit Exchange, charged with creating a new online marketplace for health insurance, just launched a consumer-focused website, www.wahealthplanfinder.org and it includes a calculator for estimating your costs.

You can't choose a health plan until the site launches on Oct. 1, but you can use the calculator to see if you might qualify for a subsidy to help with your insurance costs. Keep in mind, it's only an estimate, but it should give you a sense of what to expect.


"Is there a grace period for a newly licensed driver to get insurance?"

Nope, not in Washington state. In order to operate a motor vehicle here, the driver must have the state minimum liability insurance. There is no grace period to obtain that insurance.

So parents, check with the insurance agent (or insurer) to see if your young driver is covered under your automobile insurance or if they need their own insurance policy.

Friday, April 26

New report on health insurance: 84 million in U.S. are uninsured/underinsured

The Commonwealth Fund this morning issued its latest report on uninsured and underinsured adults. Among the key points, in 2012:
  • 84 million Americans were uninsured or underinsured.
  • Due largely to the ACA, the share of young adults w/o insurance dropped by 1.9 million between 2010 and 2012
  • 41 percent of adults ages 19-64 are having difficulty paying medical bills
  • Costs prevent many Americans from getting needed health care
  • Of the 55 million uninsured for all or part of 2012, 87 percent had incomes that would qualify them for subsidized health insurance under the ACA
  • Of the 30 million underinsured, 85 percent would qualify for subsidies
Among the remaining challenges noted in the report:
 "...the law does not provide subsidized coverage to people who are not in the U.S. legally. Jonathan Gruber, an economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has estimated that of people who will remain uninsured in 2016, about 5 million will be undocumented immigrants. Second, both the Congressional Budget Office and Gruber predict that many Americans will not be insured, even though they are eligible for the new coverage options, whether because they are not aware of their eligibility, they are unable to find an affordable premium, or they elect not to enroll."